ELGS Migration Summer School
Moving Beyond Crisis? From exclusion to integration of migrants and refugees in Europe – 22 – 27 July , 2019, EPLO Sounion Attica, Greece
Α week-long program in English will offer a state-of-the-art overview of contemporary migration in Europe and the challenges faced by migrants and refugees, in relation to social exclusion and integration, with emphasis on the current situation in Europe.
Open for Practitioners and Master’s level Students of all disciplines (i.e. Sociology, Social Policy, International Relations, Human Rights, Economics et al.)
Two days of on-Site Visits to Reception Facilities & NGOs
Meet key academics and experts working in the field
Doctoral students and researchers will have the opportunity to present their PhD/research at the PhD Seminar
Applications until May 31, 2019
How to apply: Applicants should submit an updated CV and letter of motivation in English to [email protected], T: +30 211 311 0 671
Speakers 2019
Bridget Anderson, Professor of Migration, Mobilities and Citizenship, University of Bristol, United Kingdom.
Nadina Christopoulou, Anthropologist, Ph.D. University of Cambridge, and Co-founder/Coordinator of Melissa Network
Daniel Esdras, Special Envoy of the DG of the IOM, Advisor to the Regional Director for the Mediterranean.
Theodoros Fouskas, Sociologist, Ph.D., 2018-2019, NSRF, Teaching Scholarship, Department of Social and Educational Policy, University of Peloponnese and EPLO.
Marco Martiniello, Professor of Sociology, Research Director FNRS, Director, Centre d’Etudes de l’Ethnicité et des Migrations (CEDEM), Vice-Doyen à la Recherche, Université de Liège, Faculté des Sciences Sociales, Belgium.
Tina Stavrinaki, Lawyer, Ph.D. University Paris 2, Assistant Coordinator of the Racist Violence Recording Network.