International Conference REDA 2017 “Regulation and Enforcement in the Digital Age” 16 – 17/11/2017 Thursday, November 16th, 2017: University of Cyprus, Leventios Building, Room B 108 Friday, November 17th, 2017:
European University of Cyprus, Cultural Center Organizing Committee: Philippe Jougleux, Christiana Markou, Thalia Prastitou-Merdi, Tatiana Synodinou
Copyright law in the digital era
Internet regulation and enforcement
Special issues in online data protection
Data protection and consumer rights
Emerging trends and challenges of e-commerce and consumer law
Cybersecurity and Internet regulation
PhD Students Special Session: Internet regulation: New challenges, new ideas
The Law Department of the University of Cyprus and the Law Faculty of the European University of Cyprus are co-organising the International Conference REDA 2017 “Regulation and Enforcement in the Digital Age”.
REDA 2017 greatly announces its commencement of its work on 16/11-17/11/2017 and welcomes you to join for a second time in the heartbeat of Cyprus’ commercial and businesses center, Nicosia, at the facilities of University of Cyprus and European University Cyprus.
The conference is addressed to a wide audience and is expected to be attended by lawyers, artists, creators, publishers, audiovisual and music producers, information portals, consumer organisations, librarians, press representatives, police, other state authorities and private bodies.
The conference aims broadly in the development of key and novel legal issues related to the application of law in the digital era. In this direction, during the two-day workshop of the conference, 8 sub-sections will be presented in detail, where, approximately 30 academics and researchers from both Cyprus and abroad, will enlighten the audience on the relevant issues.
Specifically, copyright law, which is a key driver of cultural production and strengthens cultural pluralism and diversity, is undergoing a period of crisis and mutation due to the influence of new technologies, and in this context the conference in the first two sections will examine challenges and recent developments in the protection of creators and other cultural actors in the information society. In the next two sections, the focus is set on issues of Internet regulation and enforcement, such as cross border litigation in Internet related civil litigation, the controversial question of data ownership, Net neutrality and the emerging issue of the legal regime which applies to spoilers. Furthermore, since 2016 was also a reference year for the protection of personal data, following the passage of Regulation 679/2016 (EU), the interest is also directed at adapting the protection of personal data to increasing technological requirements.
During the second day of the conference, at the center of interest will be in particular the issues regarding the personal data protection in relation to the individual’s action as a consumer in the single market and cross-border trade. In this direction, the resulting consequences of unfair commercial practices, e-gaming, problems and risks in the development of e-procurement are expected to be discussed, as well as the functioning of the available alternative dispute resolution mechanisms. In the 7th section, taking into account the modern challenges that undermine the security of the Internet and the opportunities it offers to the user, the panel will attempt to present the most recent developments and regulatory efforts at European level on enhancing Internet security and information systems across the union, as well as the concerns arising from their implementation.
As a conclusion of the conference, several PhD candidates will present their views and concerns created by the implementation of the latest Internet Regulation by the European Union and the consequent new state of affairs.
With great joy and honor the organization of the conference optimistically aims to contribute to the general promotion of legal thinking, following the rapid developments of the modern information society.
The entrance is free. A certificate of attendance will be given. Information and Pre-reservation: tel. 22892920 – Email: [email protected].